
Excursions extend children's learning beyond the preschool classroom

For children, it is like going on a bear hunt.  The excitement, the adventure, and the enjoyment seen in children's smiles are the reasons why excursions have become a regular part of PHPS's program.  Besides that, it's also enjoyed by all our teachers and families.  With our own preschool minibus, almost every couple of weeks there will be an excursion, allowing all children the opportunity to participate in the excursion adventure, for both our preschoolers and toddlers.  The abundant learning and enjoyment can be seen in some of the photos captured. 

Excursions provide plentiful joyful learning.  However, it is important to note that excursions are not just about the fun exploration of the greater world around them, but also about instilling in children: responsibility, being able to follow rules/guidance and practice road safety awareness, and being model class of preschoolers/toddlers in the public, and to develop respect and love for the outdoors.  Our excursion activities and aims: