
Our centre has two main rooms, the preschool "Rainbow" and the toddler "Butterfly" room.  However, they are only by classification and our program caters to the 5 broad groups of children's abilities and interests:  infants, toddlers, junior preschoolers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children.  This is a key part of our learning program as depicted in our learning tree.  Teachers understand that at certain times, in the preschool room, there may be junior preschoolers, preschoolers as well as able kindergarten children, and they may not necessarily follow the age of a child.  Similarly, in the toddler room, there are infants, toddlers, junior preschoolers, and by the end of the year, ready preschoolers.  At times, we find preschoolers may want to be with their younger siblings in the Butterfly Room and the flexibility for children to be around and to play with older and younger children is in itself a great attribute that can only be tried and learnt in a mixed group situation.  Learning from older peers in the classroom and vice versa is a wonderful experience to witness. 

In each room, there are the usual book corners with a library in the preschool room; block and construction areas; drawing and craft stations; a home corner, and pretend dress-up play areas.  As the day begins in the toddler room, there is also a piano in the Butterfly room where children can sing along to nursery rhymes.  And during school holidays, vacation care children will use the piano and bring along other instruments to entertain and inspire future musicians.  The two rooms are only separated by a sliding door and the cohesiveness between the two rooms makes it that much easier when the time comes for toddlers to transition to the preschool room.  Throughout the year, many 3 years old in the toddler room would have numerous opportunities to join the preschool room activities.

Besides the two main rooms, the preschool room flows out to a large multi-purpose sunroom.   At times, the sunroom is an art room other times a lunchroom, a large construction place, or just a place to enjoy the outdoors in the comfort of the indoors.   The sunroom is also a key part of the outdoor classroom and all the glass doors open out to the outdoor playground.   It is primarily used by the preschool room with many preschool activities flowing out to the room. 

The idea of the outdoor classroom is taken even further with excursions.  In early childhood, there is a saying that "Children learn through play".  With children, play is hardly ever limited to the classroom, and looking at every learning opportunity through play is a journey we hope you will witness in all our classrooms.